Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Companion Guide (Cisco Networking Academy)
- By Cisco Systems, Inc., Cisco Networking Academy Program
- Published Mar 2, 2004 by Cisco Press. Part of the Companion Guide series.
- Sorry, this book is no longer in print.
- Convenient, portable desk reference that is available anytime, anywhere— The book complements the online course and can be used outside the classroom environment and when the online course is not available to the student.
Students can study and further the learning beyond the classroom and lab environment.
- Only Cisco-Approved Study Materials for the Networking Academy Course—Cisco Press is the only publisher endorsed and recommended by Cisco Systems.
This provides the instructor and the student with the confidence that the same individuals who developed the web-based curriculum have reviewed and recommended the text from Cisco Press.
- Maps to online course— Print products will map to the current version of the online course.
Provides the student and the instructor with an integrated textbook companion to strengthen classroom learning.
- CD-ROM— Interactive media activities are included on a CD-ROM to complement the Companion Guide.
Additional learning aid, interactive in nature, to build upon the classroom and web-based learning experience providing the student with additional hands-on activites.
- Cisco System meeting the demand of a wireless course— Wireless courses, especially wireless LANs courses are a huge topic right now in the academic market and Cisco is prepared to meet the demand with a new course—Cisco Press is prepared with the correlating books.
The Fundamentals of Wireless LANs course will have the same look and feel as the other Networking Academy courses. This will ease the learning curve of instructors adopting the course as well as make it easier for instructors to adopt the online curriculum.
- Chapter Objectives and Pedagogy— Each chapter begins with clearly defined objectives. Definitions, descriptions, examples and graphical presentations supports these objectives throughout the chapter.
Provides the instructor and the student with an outline of the chapter focus and pedagogy features throughout the chapter to aid in classroom student learning, retention and understanding.
- Chapter Structure Designed to Reinforce Concepts— Chapter summaries, review questions, and answers included within each chapter.
Designed to reinforce concepts and help the student evaluate their understanding before moving on to new material. Answers to review questions are found in the appendixes, along with a glossary of key terms used throughout the text.
- CD-ROM— The book content as well as interactive media activities are included on a CD-ROM to complement the Companion Guide.
Additional learning aid, interactive in nature, to build upon the classroom and Web-based learning experience providing the student with additional hands-on electronic activities.
- Copyright 2004
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-58713-119-6
- ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-119-6
The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program
With the Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Companion Guide you can access this information for reference, study, and review at any time.
- Chapter objectives outline the topics to be mastered by the end of each chapter. Refer to the objectives along with the chapter summaries as a study aid before you move on to new concepts.
- Each chapter includes the definitions of all key terms to help you focus your study of relevant vocabulary and concepts.
- Check Your Understanding questions at the end of each chapter serve as a self-assessment tool to ensure your knowledge of the chapter topics.
- Key references to the corresponding hands-on labs collected in the supplemental Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Lab Companion mark opportunities to connect theory with practice.
- Additional skill builders can be found on the companion CD-ROM and in the Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Engineering Journal and Workbook.
This Cisco Systems authorized textbook is a portable desk reference designed to accompany the Fundamentals of Wireless LANs online course in the Cisco Networking Academy Program. The Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Companion Guide covers all the topics from the online course with additional in-depth content to enhance your understanding plus supplemental aids to assist you in studying.
Fundamentals of Wireless LANs introduces you to the basics of wireless local-area networks (LANs). The wireless technologies discussed include fixed and mobile, terrestrial and satellite, wireless LANs, and wireless last loops with a focus on how to configure and use the popular Cisco Aironet products. You will develop practical experience in skills related to design, planning, and implementation of wireless networks. Hands-on training and in-depth looks at the 802.11 and other related consumer standards provide you with a strong foundation in the continued operation and troubleshooting of wireless networks.
The book and course are aligned with the Cisco Qualified Specialist-Wireless certification objectives to begin your preparation for the Cisco Wireless LAN Support Specialist certification exam.
Companion Titles:
Cisco Networking Academy Program Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Lab Companion
ISBN: 1-58713-121-8
Cisco Networking Academy Program Fundamentals of Wireless LANs Engineering Journal and Workbook
ISBN: 1-58713-120-X
Companion CD-ROM
The Companion CD-ROM supports the Cisco Networking Academy Program materials. The CD-ROM contains a test engine with 300+ simulated exam questions, high resolution photographs of wireless hardware, over 40 interactive activities, and over a dozen Demonstration Activities to enhance the learning experience.
This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program Series from Cisco Press. The products in this series support and complement the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Wireless LANs.II. WIRELESS EQUIPMENT.
2. IEEE 802.11 and Network Interface Cards.3. Wireless Radio Technology.
4. Wireless Topologies.
5. Access Points (APs).
6. Bridges.
7. Antennas.
8. Security.9. Applications, Design, and Site Survey Preparation.
10. Site Survey and Installation.
11. Troubleshooting, Management, Monitoring and Diagnostics.12. Emerging Technologies.
Appendix A. Glossary of Key Terms.Appendix B. Check Your Understanding Answer Key.
Appendix C. Physical Layer.
Page 198 -- In Figure 4-29 WLAN DESIGN: Channel Reuse with 802.11a, change the "3" in the middle cell in the upper left of the graphic to a number "5."