First Mile Access Networks and Enabling Technologies
- By Ashwin Gumaste, Tony Antony
- Published Feb 24, 2004 by Cisco Press. Part of the Networking Technology series.
- Sorry, this book is no longer in print.
- Copyright 2004
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-58705-129-X
- ISBN-13: 978-1-58705-129-6
Learn about the technologies that drive fast broadband access in the first mile and master the design of first mile access networks
- Understand the motivating forces behind first mile access networks and learn about the technology and business requirements for first mile access solutions
- Master the design of passive optical networks (PON)
- Build EPON solutions and differentiate them from BPON and GPON
- Enhance bandwidth capacity in the access area using CWDM technology
- Learn about and design DSL and power-line communication (PLC) networks
- Discover the use of WiFi in the first mile and study the subsystems involved in a WiFi solution
- Learn the importance of management in first mile access networks and create a business case for diverse first mile access networks
First Mile Access Networks and Enabling Technologies provides a platform for showcasing first mile access technologies and associated network solutions. Using this book, you learn about the bandwidth bottleneck within the first mile and explore the resulting business prospects. Benefit from a thorough and thoughtful discussion of the business case for the first mile, which helps you approach the issue from multiple perspectives. Examine multiple access technologies, understand the diversity of solutions within this area, and take your solutions further using sound and unique management techniques. Utilize the solid and tested implementation method provided by this book to remove networking anomalies, such as the digital divide. This book helps you understand and capitalize on the market opportunity presented by the first mile.
First Mile Access Networks and Enabling Technologies covers multiple technologies, protocols, and business methods and can be used to understand the growth of first mile access networks and resulting business opportunities.
This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
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Introduction to First Mile Access Technologies
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to First Mile Access Technologies.
The Network Today. Bandwidth Management in Worldwide Networks: Impact on First Mile Access. The First Mile Issue. Business Justification for the First Mile Problem. Technological Aspirations Forecast for First Mile Access Networks. Technologies Deployed in Access Networks. Summary. Review Questions. References.
2. Passive Optical Networks in the First Mile.
Network Profiling for Passive Optical Networks. Passive Optical Networking: Problem Formulation. PON Classification—APON and EPON. Emergence of EPON—An Effective PON Solution, Particularly for IP-Centric Communication. Standardization Efforts in EPON—The EFM Push. Numeric Evaluation of EPONs. Comparison with Contemporary Schemes. Summary. Review Questions. References.
3. Enterprise Fiber Solution.
Coarse Wavelength-Division Multiplexing. Business Case for CWDM and Access Networks. CWDM Network Configuration. Technicalities of CWDM. CWDM Network Elements. Standards for CWDM Deployment. CWDM Benefits. CWDM Network Protection. Design Rules for CWDM Networks in Metro Access. CWDM Design Examples. Summary. Review Questions. References.
4. Data Wireless Communication.
The Wireless Medium and the Three Wireless Technologies for Communication. Code-Division Multiple Access. Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum Theory. The Advantage of Spread Spectrum. Antenna Theory: Gain and Half-Power Beamwidth. Other Wireless Effects: Fading and Delay Spread. Wireless Data: The Evolution of the 802.11 Series of Standards. WLAN Device. Operation of the IEEE 802.11 Standard. Performance of 802.11 Standards in First Mile Access. 802.11g. Wireless Data Applications: Hotspot Concept. Summary. Review Questions. References.
5. Broadband Wireless Access (IEEE 802.16: WirelessMAN).
IEEE 802.16-The WirelessMAN Standard. Reference Model. Modulation Schemes. Privacy Sublayer. MAC Common Part Sublayer. Scheduling Services. Contention Resolution. Initialization. Propagation Conditions. Design Considerations. Services Offered and Relation to the First Mile Problem. Summary. Review Questions. References.
6. Free Space Optics Solutions in the First Mile.
Free Space Optics: Complement to Radio-Frequency Wireless. What Is Free Space Optics? FSO Operation. Transmitters: Lasers. Receivers: Photodetectors. Receiver Performance. Lenses and Mirrors in FSO. Tracking and Acquisition. Link Margin and Design Considerations. Factors Affecting FSO Operations. Laser Safety for FSO Networks. FSO Communication in First Mile Networks. Summary. Review Questions. References.
7. DSL Technologies.
What Is DSL? DSL Technologies. Long-Reach Ethernet. Line-Encoding Standards. A Typical xDSL Network. Issues with xDSL. DSL in the First Mile. Summary. Review Questions.
8. Power-Line Communication.
Introduction to Power-Line Communication. A Typical Indoor Power-Line Communication Network. Channel Characteristics That Affect PLC. Noise in PLC Systems. Modulation Requirements in PLC. Media Access Control Issues in PLC. Standards and Regulatory Aspects (From "Power Line Communications: State of the Art and Future Trends"). A Case Study of Power-Line Communications (Courtesy of Adaptations to PLC to Meet RBOC and ILEC Requirements. An Ideal First Mile Network: Coalescing PLC with EPON. Comparison of PLC with Other Contemporary Solutions. HomePlug 1.0 Specifications for PLC. Market Analysis and Trends. Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Plant as a Possible First Mile Access Solution. Summary. Review Questions. References.
9. First Mile Access Management and Business Model.
Unified Management for Access Networks. The Emergence of Alternative Models—Intelligent Cities. Intelligent City/Corporation Networks. Community Network Management. Mobility Management. Potential of Effective Bandwidth Management. Directions for Network Management. QoS in the First Mile. Constraint-Based Routing. Differentiated Services (DiffServ). Integrated Services (IntServ). 802.1Q VLAN. QoS in ATM. Implementation of Different Network Architectures. Directions for Access Networking. ATM and MPLS Implementation Costs. Summary. Review Questions. References.
10. Business Case for First Mile Access Networks.
The Application Business Case. Product and Services Portfolio for the First Mile Business Case. The Technology Business Case. Business Case: Characterizing a First Mile Access Network. Case Study: Distributed and Unified Technology Solutions in a Community Network. Planning the First Mile Access Network: CCM Perspective. Case Study Distributed Pricing Versus Cumulative Pricing in a First Mile Network. Market Analysis for CCM Method in the Access Area. Summary. Review Questions. References.
11. The Complete First Mile Network: Integration, Interfacing, and Management.
Interfacing Requirements in the First Mile Access Space. CWDM and PON. PLC and LRE. EPON and WiFi. EPON and ADSL. BPON and PLC. BPON and DSL. X to FSO. Multimode Fiber. Management of Multiple Technologies in the Network. Billing Issues. Future Applications: First Mile Networks. Summary. Review Questions.
Appendix. Units of Optical Power Measurement: Decibel.
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