Designing and Troubleshooting Cisco IOS XR L2VPN Networks
- Published Jun 13, 2008 by Cisco Press. Part of the Networking Technology series.
- This product currently is not for sale.
- Copyright 1966
- Dimensions: 7-3/8x9-1/8
- Pages: 300
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-58705-339-X
- ISBN-13: 978-1-58705-339-9
Learn about Cisco IOS-XR operating system (release 3.4) from its primary designers while mastering the opportunities in the system
- Get a first look at the new IOS-XR operating system from Cisco in the first book on the topic
- Transition from Cisco IOS L2VPN smoothly with this comprehensive guide that focuses largely on the change
- Coverage includes troubleshooting, QoS, design, and implementation sections
- Learn about new CLI and system features, including L2VPN availability
Designing and Troubleshooting Cisco IOS XR L2VPN Networks is a comprehensive book on the new, state-of-the-art operating system from Cisco. Within this exciting new operating system are features that help keep Cisco, and their products, competitive with challengers like Juniper that have made some ground in the enterprise-level router markets. L2VPN is a key customer feature in IOS newly supported now in IOS-XR, and the book details the designing and troubleshooting of L2VPN in IOS-XR, as well as the L2VPN interoperability between IOS and IOS-XR. The book focuses on the design and troubleshooting of the new IOS-XR, and covers solutions on topics like Ethernet Over MPLS (EoMPLS), Ethernet Interworking, and Ethernet Local Switching, high availability, QoS, and interoperability between IOS and IOS-XR. Topic Information:
- L2VPN IOS-XR (release 3.4) was made available for initial customer deployment in April 2007
- Widespread adoption of a new version of Cisco operating systems usually follow approximately 12-18 months after the initial release
- IOS-XR is not based on their widely deployed IOS operating system, and is instead based on the QNX real-time operating system
- IOS-XR is a modular, scalable router OS and with built-in carrier class availability and scale
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