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Cisco Voice over IP (CVoice) (Authorized Self-Study Guide), 2nd Edition


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  • Description
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  • Copyright 2007
  • Dimensions: 7-3/8" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 504
  • Edition: 2nd
  • eBook
  • ISBN-10: 1-58705-410-8
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-58705-410-5

A new edition of this title is available, ISBN-10: 1587055546 ISBN-13: 9781587055546

Foundation learning for CCVP voice over IP


Kevin Wallace, CCIE® No. 7945


Cisco Voice over IP, Second Edition, is a Cisco®-authorized, self-paced learning tool for Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP) voice over IP (VoIP) foundation learning. This book provides you with the knowledge you need to implement and support data and voice integration solutions at the network-access level. By reading this book, you will gain a thorough understanding of basic IP telephony operation and router configuration, support, troubleshooting, and integration with an existing public switched telephone network (PSTN).

Cisco Voice over IP lays the foundation for gaining hands-on skills and a significant understanding of packet telephony. Coverage includes analog and digital voice connections, voice interface configuration, voice dial peer configuration, VoIP fundamentals, VoIP signaling and call control protocols, and voice quality improvement and maintenance. Chapter review questions, practice items, real-world examples, and hands-on lab exercises all help reinforce learning. Whether you are preparing for CCVP certification or simply want to gain a better understanding of VoIP, you will benefit from the foundation information presented in this book.

Cisco Voice over IP is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco Systems® that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press®. To find out more about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, please visit:

Kevin Wallace, CCIE® No. 7945, CCVP, CCNP®, CCDP®, is a full-time instructor for Thomson NETg. With 17 years of Cisco internetworking experience, Kevin has been a network design specialist for The Walt Disney World Resort and a network manager for Eastern Kentucky University.

  • Understand traditional telephony network concepts and operation as well as the building blocks of packet telephony networks
  • Examine the interactions of telephony operations at an electrical level
  • Evaluate strategies for overcoming specific challenges in a VoIP network, such as the transmission of fax and modem tones
  • Attach a Cisco voice-enabled router to existing telephony devices, such as a PBX or an analog phone
  • Add call-routing intelligence to a Cisco voice-enabled router through the use of dial peers
  • Address potential challenges and design considerations associated with sending voice across an IP-based network
  • Understand the theory and configuration of the call control protocols including H.323, SIP, and MGCP
  • Mitigate voice quality issues with various Cisco quality of service (QoS) mechanisms

This volume is in the Certification Self-Study Series offered by Cisco Press®. Books in this series provide officially developed self-study solutions to help networking professionals understand technology implementations and prepare for the Cisco Career Certifications examinations.

Category: IP Communications

Covers: VoIP

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Telephony Networks

Basic Components of Telephony Networks

    CO Switches and Switching Systems

    Privately Owned Switches

    Call Signaling


Fundamentals of Packet Telephony Networks

    Benefits of Packet Telephony Networks

    Packet Telephony Components

    Call Control

    Real-Time versus Best-Effort Traffic

IP Telephony Applications

    Analog Interfaces

    Digital Interfaces

    IP Phones

    Types of Deployment


Chapter Review Questions

Chapter 2 Analog and Digital Voice Connections

Analog Voice Fundamentals

    Local-Loop Connections

    Local-Loop Signaling

    Trunk Connections

    Trunk Signaling


Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Voice Encoding

    Sampling and the Nyquist Theorem


    Voice Compression Standards

Signaling Systems

    Channel Associated Signaling

    Common Channel Signaling Systems

    Signaling System Interoperability

Enabling VoIP Fax and Modem Transmission

    Cisco Fax Relay

    T.38 Fax Relay

    T.37 Fax Store and Forward

    Fax Pass-Through

    Modem Pass-Through

    Modem Relay


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: Navigating Your Hands-On Lab

    Task 1: Physical Connectivity

    Task 2: Initial Configuration

    Task 3: Exercise Verification

    Suggested Solution

Chapter 3 Voice Interface Configuration

Configuring Voice Ports

    Voice Applications

    FXS Ports

    FXO Ports

    E&M Ports

    Timers and Timing

    Digital Voice Ports


    Common Channel Signaling Options

    Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    Tuning Voice Quality

    Electrical Characteristics

    Voice Port Tuning

    Configuring Echo Cancellation


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: Voice Port Configuration

    Task 1: Configure FXS Port Parameters

    Task 2: Exercise Verification

    Suggested Solution


Chapter 4 Voice Dial Peer Configuration

Configuring Dial Peers

    Understanding Call Legs

    Understanding Dial Peers

    Configuring POTS Dial Peers

    Configuring VoIP Dial Peers

    Configuring Destination-Pattern Options

    Characteristics of the Default Dial Peer

    Matching Inbound Dial Peers

    Matching Outbound Dial Peers

    Configuring Hunt Groups

    Collecting and Analyzing Digits

    Manipulating Digits

    Special-Purpose Connections



    Trunk Connection

    Tie-Line Connection


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: POTS and VoIP Dial Peers

    Task 1: Configure POTS Dial Peers

    Task 2: Exercise Verification

    Suggested Solution

Lab Exercise: PLAR Connection

    Task 1: Configure PLAR

    Task 2: Exercise Verification

    Suggested Solution

Chapter 5 VoIP Fundamentals

Understanding VoIP Requirements

    Business Case for VoIP

    VoIP Functional Components

    VoIP Protocols

    VoIP Service Considerations

    RTP and RTCP

VoIP Network Architectures

    Centralized Network Architectures

    H.323 Distributed Network Architectures

    SIP Distributed Network Architectures

    Comparing Network Architectures

    Simple Multisite IP Telephony Network

    Interconnecting VoIP Protocols

    Understanding Gateways

    Practice Scenarios: Network Architecture

Building Scalable Dial Plans

    Numbering Plans and Dial Plans

Scalable Dial Plans

    Enhancing and Extending an Existing Plan to Accommodate VoIP

    Accounting for Caller Mobility for 911 Services

    Calculating Bandwidth Requirements

    CODEC Payload Bandwidth Requirements

    Impact of Voice Samples and Packet Size on Bandwidth

    Data Link Overhead

    Security and Tunneling Overhead

    Calculating the Total Bandwidth for a VoIP Call

    Effects of Voice Activity Detection on Bandwidth

    Cisco Voice CODEC Bandwidth Calculator

    Allocating Bandwidth for Voice and Data Traffic

    Traffic Statistics

    Establishing Network Objectives for Voice and Data

    Meeting the Current Network Objective

    Traffic Theory

    Busy Hour


    Traffic Probability Assumptions

    Traffic Calculations

    Call Density Matrix

    Bandwidth Calculations

    Security Implications of VoIP Networks

    Security Policies for VoIP Networks

    Threats to VoIP

    Secure LAN Design

    Communicating Through a Firewall

    Delivering VoIP over a VPN


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: RTP Header Compression

    Task 1: Change the Load Interval on Router R2’s Serial Interface

    Task 2: Take a Baseline Measurement

    Task 3: Enable cRTP

    Task 4: Verify cRTP

    Suggested Solution

Chapter 6 VoIP Signaling and Call Control Protocols

The Need for Signaling and Call Control

    VoIP Signaling

    Call Control Models

    Call Control Translation

    Call Setup

    Call Administration and Accounting

H.323 Concepts and Configuration

    H.323 and IP

    Functional Components of H.323

    H.323 Gateways

    IP-to-IP Gateways

    H.323 Gatekeepers

    Multipoint Conferences

    H.323 Call Establishment and Maintenance

    RAS Messages

    Call Flows

    Types of Multipoint Conferences

    Deploying and Configuring H.323

    SIP Concepts and Configuration

    SIP and Associated Standards

    Cisco SIP Support

    SIP Components

    SIP Applications

    SIP Messages

    Status Codes

    SIP Addressing

    SIP Call Setup Models

    Robust SIP Design

    Cisco’s Implementation of SIP

    Configuring SIP on a Cisco Router

    Monitoring and Troubleshooting SIP

MGCP Concepts and Configuration

    MGCP and Its Associated Standards

    Basic MGCP Components

    Basic MGCP Concepts

    MGCP Sessions

    MGCP Control Commands

    MGCP Call Flows

    Robust MGCP Design

    Cisco's Implementation of MGCP

    Configuring MGCP

    Cisco Unified CallManager MGCP Configuration

    Monitoring and Troubleshooting MGCP

Comparing Call Control Models

    Call Control Model Feature Comparison

    Strengths of H.323, SIP, and MGCP

    Selecting Appropriate Call Control


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: H.323 Gatekeeper

    Task 1: Configure the H.323 Gatekeeper

    Task 2: Configure H.323 Gateways

    Task 3: Verify the Configuration

    Suggested Solution

Chapter 7 Improving and Maintaining Voice Quality

Optimizing Voice Quality

    Factors that Affect Voice Quality

    Quality Metrics

    Objectives of QoS


    AutoQoS Features

    Configuring AutoQoS on a Router

    AutoQoS for Enterprise

    Configuring AutoQoS on a Catalyst Switch

Implementing Call Admission Control

    Effects of Bandwidth Oversubscription

    CAC Operation


    CAC Tools


Chapter Review Questions

Lab Exercise: Router AutoQoS

    Task 1: Configure AutoQoS on the Slower Interface

    Task 2: Configure AutoQoS on the Faster Interface

    Task 3: Exercise Verification

    Suggested Solution

Appendix A Answers to Chapter Review Questions

Appendix B Cisco VoIP Applications



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