Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Engineering Journal and Workbook
- By Cisco Systems, Inc., Cisco Networking Academy Program
- Published Jan 7, 2003 by Cisco Press.
- Sorry, this book is no longer in print.
- Copyright 2003
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-58713-093-9
- ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-093-9
Official journal and workbook for the new IT Essentials I PC Hardware and Software course through the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
- Complements and corresponds to the Web-based course
- Prepares Networking Academy students for CompTIA's A+ exam
- Can be used as a prerequisite to the CCNA curricula through the Networking Academy
The IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Web-based course was launched in Fall 2002. The journal will prepare students for the CompTIA A+ certification exam. The exam measures essential competencies for a break/fix microcomputer hardware service technician with six months of on-the-job experience. The examinee must demonstrate knowledge to properly install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot and repair microcomputer hardware. This includes basic knowledge of desktop and portable systems, basic networking concepts, and printers. The examinee must also demonstrate knowledge of safety and common preventive maintenance procedures. Topics covered in this title will match the following A+ certification topics: installation, configuration and upgrading, diagnosing and troubleshooting, safety and preventive maintenance, motherboard/processors/memory, printers, portable systems, basic networking, and customer satisfaction.
The Engineering Journal and Workbook is aligned to the Web-based course. The journal includes real-world examples, review questions, and sample questions to help prepare for the A+ exam.
Downloadable Sample Chapter
Download - 136 KB -- Chapter 3: Computer Assembly
Table of Contents
Lab 1. Information Technology Basics.
Lab 2. How Computers Work.
Lab 3. Computer Assembly.
Lab 4. Operating System Fundamentals.
Lab 5. Windows 9x Operating Systems.
Lab 6. PC Multimedia.
Lab 7. Windows NT/2000/XP Operating Systems.
Lab 8. Advanced Hardware Fundamentals for Servers.
Lab 9. Networking Fundamentals.
Lab 10. Printers.
Lab 11. Preventive Maintenance.
Lab 12. Troubleshooting Hardware.
Lab 13. Troubleshooting Software.
Appendix A. Answers to A+ Exam Review Questions.
Appendix B. Math for the Digital Age.
Appendix C. Safety Requirements and Organization.