Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide
- By Cisco Systems, Inc., Cisco Networking Academy Program
- Published Mar 11, 2003 by Cisco Press. Part of the Companion Guide series.
- Sorry, this book is no longer in print.
- Chapter Objectives and Pedagogy—Each chapter begins with clearly defined objectives. Definitions, descriptions, examples and graphical presentations supports these objectives throughout the chapter.
Provides the instructor and the student with an outline of the chapter focus and pedagogy features throughout the chapter to aid in classroom student learning, retention and understanding.
- Maps to Web-based course—Print products will map to the current version of the online curriculum.
Provides the student and the instructor with an integrated textbook companion to strengthen classroom learning.
- Chapter Structure Designed to Reinforce Concepts—Chapter summaries, review questions, and answers included within each chapter.
Reinforces concepts and helps the student evaluate their understanding before moving on to new material. Answers to review questions are found in the appendixes, along with a glossary of key terms used throughout the text.
- CD-ROM—The book content as well as interactive media activities are included on a CD-ROM to complement the Companion Guide. The CD-ROM also includes practice test questions for the A+ Exam.
Builds upon the classroom and Web-based learning experience providing the student with additional hands-on electronic activities.
- Only Cisco-Approved Study Materials for the Networking Academy Course—Cisco Press is the only publisher endorsed and recommended by Cisco Systems.
Provides the instructor and the student with the confidence that the same individuals who developed the web-based curriculum have reviewed and recommended the text from Cisco Press.
- Copyright 2003
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-58713-092-0
- ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-092-2
The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program
This Companion Guide maps to the current version of the web-based course and contains many advancements and extra learning aids, including the following:
- Close alignment with the online curriculum provides step-by-step guidance for students
- Chapter objectives provide references to the concepts covered in each chapter, and an extensive glossary lists key terms and their definitions
- Review questions at the end of each chapter track progress and aid studying
- Accompanying CD-ROM includes exclusive enrichment materials such as 15 e-Lab activities, more than 800 exam practice questions, 12 PhotoZooms of networking equipment, and 10 instructional videos that prepare students for the CompTIA A+ certification exam
- Additional resources on the CD-ROM include information on the features of the Windows XP operating system, as well as a certification map for the A+ certification exam objectives
Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide is the Cisco approved textbook that supports the Hewlett-Packard sponsored web-based course of the Cisco Networking Academy(tm) Program. The topics covered in this guide provide readers with the necessary knowledge to help them pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam and become certified computer service technicians. This guide also prepares students to be able to properly install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot, and repair microcomputer hardware.
Cisco Press is a collaboration between Cisco Systems, Inc., and Pearson Education that is charged with developing high-quality, cutting-edge educational and reference products for the networking industry. The products in the Cisco Networking Academy Program series are designed to prepare students for careers in the exciting networking field. These products have proven to be strong supplements to the web-based curriculum and are the only print companions that have been reviewed and endorsed by Cisco Systems for Cisco Networking Academy Program use.
The new release of the CompTIA A+ certification exam is expected in September 2003. For information on updated material covering the new exam objectives, visit
Companion CD-ROM
This companion CD-ROM contains comprehensive exam questions, interactive e-Lab activities, high- resolution photographs, and video vignettes covering hardware and software installation.
Table of Contents
1. Information Technology Basics.
Getting Started in IT. Windows Desktop Environment. Basic Features of Windows. Overview of Software Applications. Math for a Digital Age. Laboratory Safety and Tools. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
2. How Computers Work.
Input, Process, Output, and Storage. The Boot Process. Hardware Components. Portables. System Resources: IRQs, DMA, and I/O Addresses. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
3. Assembling a Computer.
Overview of the Assembly Process and Safety Issues. Creating a Computer Inventory. The Computer Case and Power Supply. Preparing the Motherboard for Installation. Installing the Motherboard. Installing the Floppy Drive, Hard Drive, and CD-ROM Drive. Video Card Installation. Final Steps. Booting the System for the First Time. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
4. Operating System Fundamentals.
The Operating System. Disk Operating System. Memory Management. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
5. Windows 9X Operating Systems.
Introduction. The Windows 9X File Structure and File-Management System. Windows Management with the Control Panel. System Tools. Preparing a Hard Drive for Installing the Operating System. Installing Windows 9X. Troubleshooting the Installation Process. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
6. Multimedia Capabilities.
Introduction. PC Multimedia Overview. Upgrading Video with a Video Acceleration Board. Adding Audio Capabilities with a Sound Card. Overview of CDs and DVDs. Digitizing Video. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
7. Windows NT/2000/XP Operating Systems.
Introduction. Windows 9X Contrasts. System Tools. Overview of the Installation Process. Installing Windows 2000. Special Installations. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
8. Advanced Hardware Fundamentals for Servers.
Introduction. Network Server Overview. Configuring External Peripherals. Adding Hardware to a Server. Upgrading Server Components. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
9. Networking Fundamentals.
Introduction. Introduction to PC Networking. Types of Networks. Adding a Network Interface Card. Physical Components of a Network. LAN Architectures. Networking Protocols and the OSI Model. TCP/IP Utilities. Connecting to the Internet. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
10. Printers and Printing.
Introduction. Understanding Printers and Printing. Buying a Printer. Connecting a Printer. Sharing a Printer. Managing a Printer. Dealing with Paper Problems. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
11. Preventive Maintenance.
Introduction. Preventive Maintenance and the Technician. Preventive Maintenance and Electrostatic Discharge. Preventive Maintenance for Computer Peripherals. Preventive Maintenance for the End User. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
12. Troubleshooting PC Hardware.
Introduction. Troubleshooting Basics. Troubleshooting the Hardware Box. Troubleshooting Peripheral Devices. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
13. Troubleshooting Software.
Introduction. The Troubleshooting Process. DOS Troubleshooting Issues. Common Windows Operating System Problems. Windows 9X Troubleshooting Problems. Using System Tools and System Editors to Troubleshoot Windows 9X/2000. Windows 9X/2000 Registry Problems. Windows NT/2000 Troubleshooting Problems. Troubleshooting Applications. Windows Data Backup and Recovery. Windows-Specific Printer Software Troubleshooting. Windows-Specific Networking Software Connection Troubleshooting. Windows 9X/NT/2000 Help. Summary. Check Your Understanding. Key Terms.
Appendix A. The Information Technology Professional.
Appendix B. Answers to Check Your Understanding Review Questions.
Glossary of Key Terms.