CCNP Cisco Networking Academy Program: Semester Five Lab Companion, Advanced Routing
- By Cisco Systems, Inc., Cisco Networking Academy Program, Mark McGregor
- Published Jun 7, 2001 Part of the Lab Companion series.
- Sorry, this book is no longer in print.
- Copyright 2001
- Edition: 1st
- Book
- ISBN-10: 1-57870-234-8
- ISBN-13: 978-1-57870-234-3
The Only Authorized Lab Companion for the CCNP Cisco Networking Academy Program
- Only Cisco-recommended print classroom companion for Semester 5 Academy study
- Created by the author of the Semester 5 web-based curriculum
- Bonus exercises provide students with optional labs that can be used as extra credit or for more focused study.
- Maps to the current version of the web- based curriculum
Created by the author of the Semester 5 Web-based curriculum, CCNP Cisco Networking Academy Program: Semester 5 Lab Companion is the only Cisco-reviewed and approved printed classroom lab workbook for Semester 5 study in the Cisco Networking Academy Program. It maps to version 2.1.2 of the online curriculum and to the CCNP Routing Exam #640-503.
In addition to the lab exercises contained here, this manual includes more than three bonus activities that focus on additional concepts such as BGP attributes. It also contains two large case studies that are not available anywhere else -- use them as group projects, midterms, final projects, or final exam preparation.
Table of Contents
Lab Equipment Requirements.
Case Study: International Travel Agency. Introductory Lab 1: Getting Started and Building Start.TXT. Introductory Lab 2: Capturing HyperTerminal and Telnet Sessions. Introductory Lab 3: Access Control List Basics and Extended Ping. Lab 1-1: Equal-Cost Load Balancing with RIP. Lab 1-2: Unequal-Cost Load Balancing with IGRP. Lab 2-1: Configuring VLSM and IP Unnumbered. Lab 2-2a: VLSM. Lab 2-2b: VLSM. Lab 2-2c: VLSM. Lab 2-3: Using DHCP and IP Helper Addresses. Lab 3-1: Migrating from RIP to EIGRP. Lab 3-2: Configuring IGRP. Lab 3-3: Configuring Default Routing with RIP and IGRP. Lab 3-4: Configuring Floating Static Routes. Lab 4-1: Configuring OSPF. Lab 4-2: Examining the DR/BDR Election Process. Lab 4-3: Configuring Point-to-Multipoint OSPF Over Frame Relay. Lab 5-1: Multiarea OSPF. Lab 5-2: Configuring a Stub Area and a Totally Stubby Area. Lab 5-3: Configuring an NSSA. Lab 5-4: Configuring Virtual Links.
OSPF Challenge Lab.
Lab 6-1: Configuring EIGRP with IGRP. Lab 6-2: Configuring EIGRP Fault Tolerance. Lab 6-3: Configuring EIGRP Summarization.
EIGRP Challenge Lab.
Lab 7-1: Configuring Distribute Lists and Passive Interfaces. Lab 7-2: Configuring Route Maps. Lab 7-3: Redistributing RIP and OSPF.
Route Optimization Challenge Lab.
Lab 8-1: Configuring BGP. Lab 8-2: Configuring IBGP and EBGP Sessions. Lab 8-3: Using the AS_PATH Attribute. Lab 8-4: Using the LOCAL_PREF and MED Attributes. Lab 9-1: BGP Route Reflectors and Route Filters. Lab 9-2: The BGP COMMUNITIES Attribute. Lab 9-3: BGP Peer Groups.
BGP Challenge Lab.
Lab 10-1: Lock-and-Key. Lab 10-2: Reflexive Access Lists. Lab 10-3: CBACs.
Appendix A: Command Reference.