Jerome Henry, CCIE No. 24750, is a Distinguished Engineer in the Office of the Wireless CTO at Cisco Systems. Jerome has more than 20 years’ experience teaching technical Cisco courses, in more than 15 countries and four languages, to audiences ranging from bachelor’s degree students to networking professionals and Cisco internal system engineers. Focusing on his wireless and networking experience, Jerome joined Cisco in 2012. Before that time, he was consulting and teaching about heterogeneous networks and wireless integration with the European Airespace team, which was later acquired by Cisco to become its main wireless solution. He then spent several years with a Cisco Learning Partner, developing networking courses and working on training materials for emerging technologies.
Jerome is a certified wireless networking expert (CWNE No. 45), has developed multiple Cisco courses, and has authored several books and video courses on wireless technology. Jerome holds more than 500 patents, is a member of the IEEE, where he was elevated to Senior Member in 2013, and also represents Cisco in multiple Wi-Fi Alliance working groups. With more than 10,000 hours in the classroom, Jerome was awarded the IT Training Award Best Instructor silver medal. He is based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
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