CiscoWorks is the heart of the Cisco family of comprehensive network management tools that allow you to access and manage the advanced capabilities of the Cisco AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data) easily. It provides the foundation upon which Firewall MC (and other management center applications such as the AUS) is built. Therefore, before you can access the Firewall MC application, you must first log in to CiscoWorks. To use Firewall MC, you need to understand the following CiscoWorks functionality:
Login process
User authorization roles
Adding users
Login Process
To access the applications supported by CiscoWorks, such as Firewall MC and AUS, you must first log in to the CiscoWorks server desktop. The CiscoWorks server desktop is the interface used for CiscoWorks network management applications, such as Firewall MC.
To log in to CiscoWorks, you connect to the CiscoWorks desktop using a web browser. By default, the CiscoWorks web server listens on port 1741. So, if your CiscoWorks desktop is on a machine named through your Domain Name System (DNS) with an IP address of, you could connect to it by entering either of the following Universal Resource Locators (URLs):
You can also enable CiscoWorks to use HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) instead of HTTP. When you install some management centers (such as the Management Center for Cisco Security Agents), they enable HTTPS on CiscoWorks automatically. When HTTPS is enabled, you need to connect to port 1742.
At the initial CiscoWorks window, log in to CiscoWorks by entering a valid username and password (see Figure 14-1).
Initially, you can log in using the administration account created during installation. The default value is admin for both the username and password (unless you changed these values during the installation process). For security reasons, you should change these values.
14-1 CiscoWorks Login Window
User Authorization Roles
CiscoWorks enables you to define different roles for different users. A role can enable a user to perform specific operations when using CiscoWorks and any of the applications that are built upon CiscoWorks (such as Firewall MC). CiscoWorks supports five different user roles that are relevant to Firewall MC operations (see Table 14-3).
Table 14.3 CiscoWorks User Roles
User Role |
Description |
Help Desk |
Provides read-only access for the entire system |
Approver |
Can review policy changes and accept or reject changes |
Network Operator |
Can create and submit jobs |
Network Administrator |
Can perform administrative tasks on Firewall MC |
System Administrator |
Performs all operations |
You can assign each user multiple authorization roles (depending on the user’s responsibilities). CiscoWorks also supports two other roles: Export Data and Developer. These roles are not relevant to the Firewall MC operations.
Adding Users
As part of your Firewall MC configuration, you must configure accounts for the various users that need to access Firewall MC. The CiscoWorks Add User window enables you to create new accounts that have access to the CiscoWorks applications. To create a new account in CiscoWorks, perform the following steps:
Log in to the CiscoWorks desktop.
Choose Server Configuration > Setup > Security > Add Users. The Add User window appears (see Figure 14-2).
Enter values for the new user (Table 14-4 describes the various fields).
Using the Roles section of the Add User window, select the roles associated with the user’s responsibilities. You can assign multiple roles to a single user, giving that user a combination of user rights.
Click Add to complete the addition of the user to the CiscoWorks database.
14-2 CiscoWorks Add User Window
Table 14.4 CiscoWorks Add User Fields
Field |
Description |
User Name |
Username of the account being added |
Local Password |
Password for the new user |
Confirm Password |
Confirmation of the user’s password |
(Optional) User’s e-mail address |
CCO Login |
(Optional) User’s Cisco Connection Online (CCO) login name |
CCO Password |
User’s CCO password (required
only if CCO login is specified) |
Confirm Password |
Confirmation of user’s CCO password (required only if CCO password is entered) |
Proxy Login |
(Optional) User’s proxy login (required only if your network requires use of a proxy server) |
Proxy Password |
User’s proxy password (required only if Proxy Login is specified) |
Confirm Password |
Confirmation of user’s proxy login (required only if Proxy Login is specified) |