If for some reason you can't connect or have limited connectivity across the VPN, there may be any number of reasons this is happening. In fact, there is no way to cover all the different scenarios here. First off, you'll want to double-check everything covered previously and make sure your syntax is correct. One little error in an entry can make it all simply not work. You can also examine the log file to look over any errors. If you have any problems, try to simplify the network as much as possible by taking out any unnecessary variables. Another thing to consider: The previous settings and config files are for a fairly common home network. This means that if your network is much different from this, the example settings will not work for you. If you are able to connect successfully, but are not able to surf the web or access other computers on your network, then something is wrong with the routing. You can also search the forums at for any particular problems you might encounter.