Deployment Tasks
After you make changes to the configuration for a managed device, you must deploy those changes on the actual firewalls on your network. You have the following two options when you select the Deployment configuration tab:
Deploy Saved Changes
Summary Report
These are the options available when workflow is not enabled. If workflow is enabled, refer to the “Workflow Setup” section later in the chapter for the options that are available.
Deploy Saved Changes
Select Deployment > Deploy Saved Changes to cause the Firewall MC to generate the updated configuration files for the device or devices specified by the Scope bar. The Generate Summary window initially shows the deployment options as unavailable until the generation process is complete. Once the generation process is finished, you can deploy the changes to your managed firewalls (see Figure 14-21) using the following options:
Deploy Now
Deploy Later
Click the Save & Deploy icon on the activity bar to select the Deploy Saved Changes functionality without accessing it through the Deployment configuration tab.
14-21 Generate Summary Window
Click the Deploy Now button to deploy the new configurations to your managed devices immediately, or click the Deploy Later button to delay deploying the new configurations.
After you deploy new configurations, a deployment summary window appears (see Figure 14-22). This window summarizes the results of the deployment process and lets you know the status of the deployment process. It also indicates whether the deployment generated any errors or warnings on the managed firewalls when the configuration commands were executed.
14-22 Deployment Status Summary Window
The Deployment Status Summary window (in Figure 14-22) contains the following two links that you can use to view information about your deployed changes:
View Config
View Transcript
Click the View Config link to display the deployed configuration for the managed firewall (see Figure 14-23), or click the View Transcript link to display a window that shows a transcript of all configuration commands that were executed and their success status (see Figure 14-24).
14-23 Viewing the Config Window
14-24 Viewing the Deploy Transcript Window
Summary Report
Select Deployment > Status Summary to display the history of the deployment changes that you have made to your managed firewalls (see Figure 14-25).
14-25 Status Summary Window