Assigning Permissions Using Network Tags
If you’re not using configuration templates, then here’s a handy little tip that will save you a ton of time when it comes to administering admin users. Because you will have a network for every location, grouping them together in a logical way will make assigning administrative rights far easier. In Dashboard, group networks by assigning them a common tag. Then, when granting access to administrators, select only the tag name rather than all the individual network names. Tagged networks appear with the prefix Tag: in the Target list on the Organization Administrators page.
Follow these steps to tag your networks and assign administrator access using them:
Step 1. Log in to Meraki Dashboard (
Step 2. Navigate to Organization > Overview (under Monitor), as demonstrated in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Navigating to the Organization Overview Page
Step 3. Select the check box or boxes next to the network(s) you want to tag, as demonstrated in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 The Organization Overview Page
Step 4. Click Tag and then enter the tag name you would like to create. In the case illustrated in Figure 4-4, we used the tag Stores. Click Add. The Add button will change to Updating, then quickly turn green, then change to Updated, before changing back to Add.

Figure 4-4 Creating New Network Tags
You can now see the tag next to the network name selected previously, confirming that the changes have been applied, as demonstrated in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Confirming Networks Are Now Tagged
Step 5. When updating organization administrator privileges (Organization > Administrators), you can now see the Stores group created with the prefix Tag: in the Target list, as demonstrated in Figure 4-6. From here, just assign access the same way you would to a regular network, by choosing the access level from the Access drop-down menu and clicking Update Admin.

Figure 4-6 Assigning Administrator Access to a Group Using Tags