Security Features
A secure UC environment requires the coordinated design of network services such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Network Time Protocol (NTP), and Domain Name System (DNS). To provide a resilient UC environment, security features should work in unison with these network services.
Figure 3-13 shows which network services are needed to support a UC environment across the network and for which purpose.
To help stress the importance of leveraging security features in the network, let’s discuss the ease of access to information that an attacker can get from the settings button on an IP phone. The network settings page lists many of the network elements and detailed information that is needed for the phone to operate, such as
▪ IP address of the router (default gateway of IP phone)
▪ IP address of the DNS server
▪ IP address of the TFTP server(s) within the Unified CM cluster
By obtaining these pieces of information, an attacker could initiate a network reconnaissance attack, which is the first step in learning more information about a network. The goal of a reconnaissance attack is typically how to gain access to or attack the network or attack the UC infrastructure. Common examples of network reconnaissance attacks include port scanning, ping sweeping, packet sniffing/captures, and more. A network setting screen from an IP phone is shown in Figure 3-14. Unified CM provides the ability to disable access to network settings. To do this, you should navigate to Unified CM Administration > Device > Phone (Phone Configuration) > Product Specific Configuration Layout > Settings Access and then choose the disabled parameter.
VLAN Hopping
Before the phone has its IP address, an endpoint discovers which voice VLAN it should be located in by means of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) or Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). The auto-assignment of a voice VLAN is useful for providing dynamic segmentation at layer 2 from other types of endpoints on the network. This segmentation typically allows administrators to prevent unwanted traffic across a network with a security control such as an access control list. An example to depict the typical traffic flow is shown in Figure 3-15.
A threat, known as VLAN hopping, is able to bypass security controls in a layer 3 device such as a router or firewall using two different approaches:
▪ Double tagging: When a hacker crafts an IP packet with dual 802.1q tags to send IP traffic to a target device. An inner tag is the VLAN that an attacker wants to reach, and the outer tag is the native VLAN that a device is supposed to be on.
▪ Switch spoofing: When a hacker PC masquerades as a switch and negotiates a trunk connection using Dynamic Trunk Protocol (DTP). If this happens, an attacker can discover information about the native VLAN and possibly elect itself as the root switch for the network. This is possible when a port is configured for “dynamic auto” or “dynamic desirable.”
When a VLAN hopping attack is executed properly, an attacker may can launch an attack against infrastructure without alerting security personnel. As shown in Figure 3-16, an attacker can bypass infrastructure that would ordinarily provide packet filtering.
To mitigate a double tagging attack, you can disable PC Voice VLAN Access within Cisco Unified CM. When disabled, this feature does not allow the devices plugged into the PC port on the phone to “jump” VLANs and get onto the voice VLAN by sending 802.1q tagged information destined for the voice VLAN to the PC port on the back of the phone. For most customers, this setting should be disabled. An exception is when a PC is running monitoring and recording applications for training or quality control for someone such as a customer service agent. If this is the case, it may make sense to leave this setting enabled. To disable PC Voice VLAN access, you should navigate to Unified CM Administration > Device > Phone (Phone Configuration) > Product Specific Configuration Layout > PC Voice VLAN Access and choose the disabled parameter.
To prevent switch spoofing, dynamic switchport trunking should be disabled on the switch. By default, Cisco switches are enabled to negotiate trunks using the Dynamic Trunking Protocol. Within a switch running 16.9 IOS-XE code, the switchport nonnegotiate command can be used to stop a Cisco switch from trying to negotiate a trunk. Network administrators should also consider changing the native VLAN that is used on trunk ports to something different than VLAN 1, which is used by default, and assigning access ports to VLANs that are not be used by other devices. Lastly, administrators should consider mechanisms to prevent a rogue switch from claiming the spanning tree root role. This can be done by configuring spanning-tree rootguard and spanning-tree bpdu guard on Cisco switches that have been previously designated as the root switch.
DHCP Snooping
In a campus environment, it is common for both PCs and UC endpoints to leverage Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to minimize the administrative burden of manually configuring each device with an IP address and other configuration information. By leveraging DHCP, administrators do not have to worry when a user wants to move an endpoint between different locations (and between IP subnets). The configuration information is provided by a DHCP server located in the network, which responds to DHCP requests from DHCP-capable clients.
A well-known attack on the network’s DHCP server is called a DHCP starvation attack. In practice, a hacker attempting to launch a DHCP starvation attack against an organization leverages tools to create bogus DHCP requests from one or more random source MAC addresses and/or with different DHCP payloads to consume all of the valid IP addresses in the existing DHCP scope(s) of the organization’s DHCP server. When the valid DHCP scope becomes exhausted, an attacker can deploy one or more rogue DHCP servers and take control of how devices obtain their network settings, along with other settings that are relevant to UC endpoints, such as TFPT, which is typically included in a DHCP request using Option 150 to obtain configuration information from Cisco Unified CM.
A feature within Cisco IOS/IOS-XE called DHCP snooping prevents a nonapproved/rogue DHCP server from handing out IP addresses on a network by blocking all replies to a DHCP request unless that port is allowed to reply. Because most phone deployments use DHCP to provide IP addresses to the phones, you should use the DHCP snooping feature in the switches to secure DHCP messaging. Rogue DHCP servers can attempt to respond to the broadcast messages from a client to give out incorrect IP addresses, or they can attempt to confuse the client that is requesting an address.
When DHCP snooping is enabled, switches across the network provide security by acting like a firewall and filtering out DHCP messages between untrusted hosts and DHCP servers.
To do this, the switch must build and maintain a DHCP snooping binding database. Care should be taken to ensure there is a valid backup of the binding database; otherwise, valid users and endpoints may not have access to DHCP services. The database can be backed up locally on the flash file system or remotely with FTP, TFTP, HTTP, and RCP.
By default, access layer switch ports are considered untrusted for use of DHCP services. Therefore, DHCP snooping is configured only on network ports that connect to a DHCP server.
The following example shows how to enable DHCP snooping:
Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping (enables DHCP snooping) Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping database flash:dhcp_snooping_db (location of DHCP snooping database) Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping database write delay 15 (delay before writing changes to the database) Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan 1 100 (VLAN ranges for DHCP snooping) Switch(config)# interface gig1/0/20 Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping trust (interface that DHCP server is connected to) Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping limit rate 1000 (maximum DHCP packets per second rate)
ARP Inspection
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to map an IP address to a MAC address. Operationally, if an endpoint tries to communicate with another endpoint, it sends out an ARP request as an IP broadcast message. The endpoint that owns the IP address provides an ARP response (with its IP and MAC address) to the requesting endpoint. The response is stored in its ARP cache for a limited time. For Microsoft Windows, the default lifetime is 2 minutes; for Linux, it is 30 seconds; and for Cisco IP phones, the default lifetime is 40 minutes.
Because ARP allows for gratuitous replies, even if an ARP request was not received, an ARP spoofing attack and/or the poisoning of ARP caches can easily occur. In this type of attack, all traffic from the device under attack can be intercepted by an attacker, as a man-in-the-middle attack, before it is forwarded to a local host, a switch, or an upstream router.
Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) is a feature that is configured along with DHCP snooping. Operationally, DAI helps inspect ARP requests and replies whether they are gratuitous or nongratuitous and whether they come from untrusted ports to ensure that the request matches a valid IP-to-MAC address binding in the DHCP snooping database. If DAI is enabled without DHCP snooping, the configuration results in a self-imposed denial of service to any device in that VLAN because none of the devices are to use ARP.
Dynamic ARP inspection is also enabled on a per-VLAN basis by using this global configuration command:
Switch(config)# ip arp inspection vlan 1-100 (range of VLANs to inspect)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) allows network devices to synchronize their clocks to a network time server or network-capable clock over UDP port 123. Synchronizing time is critical for troubleshooting network devices or the timestamps that are placed on logs, traces, call detail records (CDRs), and system reports. In fact, many UC applications such as Cisco Unified CM cannot be installed until synchronizing with an NTP server first.
The requirement for NTP also extends to additional servers in the organization, such as a domain controller that contains information about users on the network (such as and ISE servers, which are used for 802.1x authentication. If time is not synchronized on all your devices, certificates cannot be properly validated. In most cases the opposite outcome actually occurs, and certificates are considered untrusted. For this reason, an administrator should make sure that the UC infrastructure, security infrastructure (e.g., ISE), and server infrastructure (e.g., Active Directory) use a common NTP source and are synchronized.
As a point of reference, using Windows Time Services as an NTP source is not recommended or supported for UC infrastructure. The reason is that Windows Time Services often uses Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), and Cisco Unified CM cannot successfully synchronize with SNTP. To avoid potential compatibility, accuracy, and network jitter problems, an NTP server supporting NTPv4 is recommended. An IOS-XE router or Linux server may be utilized to support NTPv4. The Cisco router uses the following version of NTP:
cube# show ntp information Ntp Software Name : Cisco-ntpv4 Ntp Software Version : Cisco-ntpv4-1.0 Ntp Software Vendor : CISCO Ntp System Type : Cisco IOS cube#
It is generally recommended to configure all network infrastructure to connect to NTP time sources that are connected to an accurate and authoritative time source, such as GPS, a radio, or an atomic clock. The internal clock of an IOS/IOS-XE device is not very accurate, so Cisco doesn’t recommend its use. A stratum is used to describe how many NTP hops away the device is from an authoritative time source. When a network device has access to one or more NTP sources, it uses an algorithm to detect which time source it should synchronize with. In most cases, the algorithm chooses the NTP source with the lowest stratum time, but it is also able to detect when a clock is inaccurate and synchronize with the most accurate time source. Cisco currently recommends having more than one NTP server for high availability/accuracy.
If an organization has an authoritative time source that it would like to use, you can issue the following global configuration commands on an IOS/IOS-XE router:
Router(config)# ntp master 2 Router(config)# ntp source [source interface]
If an organization doesn’t have an authoritative time source to use, network devices can connect to many publicly available NTP sources. An example of a public time source is NIST, which is accessible by directing network infrastructure to, which load-balances NTP requests across its NTP servers. Once a device, such as a router at the edge of a network, is synchronized with a time source such as NIST, it is able to provide NTP to NTP clients across the network. To sync up with one or more authoritative NTP servers, from a network device running IOS/IOS-XE software, you can use the following global configuration commands:
Switch(config)# ntp server [ip address of authoritative NTP source] Switch(config)# ntp source [source interface]
Previously, we gave NIST as an example of a public resource for NTP. To ensure authenticity of a public time source, NIST also operates NTP servers that support authentication for registered users. NTP servers that provide authentication sessions are beneficial to an organization because they minimize the risk of the organization encountering an NTP poisoning attack, which happens when a time source is advertised on a public network by an attacker with malicious intent to attack the organization’s network infrastructure. NTP authentication can be configured globally on Cisco IOS/IOS-XE devices. To do this, you can use the following configuration commands.
On an IOS-XE device acting as an NTP server:
Router(config)# ntp authenticate Router(config)# ntp authentication-key 5 md5 [authentication key] Router(config)# ntp trusted-key 5 Router(config)# ntp server [ip address of authoritative NTP source]key 5
On an IOS/IOS-XE acting as an NTP client:
Switch(config)# ntp authenticate Switch(config)# ntp authentication-key 5 md5 [authentication key] Switch(config)# ntp trusted-key 5
As of Cisco Unified CM 11.5(1)SU3, NTP authentication is supported. This feature is based on symmetric key-based authentication with SHA1-based encryption. Unified CM authentication leverages NTP version 4.2.6 and higher. While, in theory, NTP version 4 is backward compatible with version 3, many issues were observed with attempts to use different NTP versions. These issues are documented as of Unified CM version 9.x and later, which specify requirements for NTPv4 servers to be used for NTP. Cisco also currently recommends that UC administrators connect UC applications, such as the Unified CM Publisher, to NTP servers that are not higher than stratum 4 (e.g., stratum-1, stratum-2, or stratum-3). This way, they ensure that the UC cluster time is synchronized with an accurate external time source.
As shown in Figure 3-17, you, as the UC administrator, can check the status of an NTP on a UC cluster by issuing the utils ntp status command from the command-line interface. To add one or more NTP servers, you can issue the utils ntp server add [ntp server] command.
To check the NTP status from a network device running IOS/IOS-XE software, you can issue the show ntp associations command.
The Domain Name System (DNS) enables the mapping of host names and network services to IP addresses within a network or networks. Based on the configuration of a UC environment, use of DNS is not always required to obtain services from UC applications. However, Cisco highly recommends use of DNS to support full UC functionality. As an example, DNS is currently required to support features and use cases such as
▪ Use of X.509 certificates with fully qualified domain names (FQDN)
▪ Discovery of UC services for Jabber clients (internal and external)
▪ Single sign-on for Jabber clients
▪ Resolution of FQDN for SIP trunk destinations and patterns
▪ Simplified system management: using host names instead of IP addresses
With X.509 certificates, the use of fully qualified domain names with certificates is mandatory. As you find out in Chapter 7, X.509 certificates are required to support encrypted signaling and media. We also discuss how Jabber clients use DNS SRV records to find UC services in Chapter 11. In short, a secure and highly functional collaboration solution heavily relies on DNS to function correctly for a number of services. For this reason, DNS servers should be deployed in a redundant fashion and be able to resolve host names inside the organization and also external to the organization.
While many organizations leverage DNS internally, many organizations leave it to their service provider to provide external DNS requests. As more organizations leverage and provide Collaboration services at the edge of the network and use Internet connectivity as a transport, the need for visibility of external DNS requests has increased. The reason is that DNS requests precede the IP connection, which enables DNS resolvers to log requested domains regardless of the connection’s protocol or port. Monitoring DNS requests, as well as subsequent IP connections, is an easy way to provide better accuracy and detection of compromised systems, improving security visibility and network protection.
When DNS servers are used to resolve host names externally, cloud-based platforms such as OpenDNS (operated by Cisco) and Cisco Umbrella can be used to provide name resolution along with increased visibility of the DNS requests of various users and devices. This increased visibility allows organizations to identify patterns of users and devices, to investigate anomalous activity, and to prevent DNS-based attacks. To obtain information about current threats, Talos (Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group) integrates with the security community and analyzes millions of malware samples per day. Talos directly integrates into DNS platforms such as OpenDNS and Umbrella to dynamically block traffic that is destined to a wide variety of malicious domains, IP addresses, and URLs. Talos is also able to provide security intelligence feeds into other network infrastructure such as firewalls, IPSs, email security appliances, and web security platforms. To find out more information about why security is needed for external DNS requests, you can visit OpenDNS by navigating to or Organizations that do not currently have DNS security in place for external DNS requests should consider a trial version of OpenDNS. Currently, OpenDNS allows customers to register for free DNS accounts. To find out more information about Talos, visit
Firewalls and Access Controls
Traditional data firewalls can be used in conjunction with access control lists to protect Unified Communications infrastructure along with voice gateways from entities that should not be communicating with UC endpoints. In some cases, firewalls may introduce complexities into a design for Unified Communications solutions that include real-time services such as VoIP and video. As an example, if a VoIP call is encrypted, a firewall does not have much ability to inspect the VoIP traffic, and the firewall serves little purpose because it cannot dynamically inspect SIP-TLS traffic. This is why organizations are deploying Session Border Controllers, which act as a VoIP firewall to provide security controls for VoIP and video traffic. We cover Session Border Controllers in further detail in Chapter 11, “Securing the Edge.”
Additionally, some limitations need to be considered with security infrastructure, such as IPv6 addressing. As an example, many organizations are starting to leverage IPv6 addressing for their IP phones because they have exhausted their IPv4 addresses. The ASA firewall currently supports IPv6 for collaboration traffic, but not all other Cisco security devices support IPv6. Until all of Cisco’s security products support IPv6 for collaboration traffic, Cisco recommends keeping all IPv6 voice traffic contained within an enterprise network or to use a Session Border Controller, such as CUBE.
It is worth mentioning that UC environments have unique data flows that are both client to server and client to client. Using firewalls and/or ACLs to protect real-time traffic flows will likely frustrate firewall administrators based on the additional complexity of managing all of the required ACLs on a firewall to support the various scenarios for UC. As shown in Figure 3-18, a firewall policy that is based on denying all traffic and allowing only what is explicitly permitted by an organization can become quite extensive, even for a small environment, because an administrator would have to account for all of the client-to-client flows. In the following example, to permit a dynamic range of UDP ports, a firewall administrator must open a range of ports from 16384 to 32767 across six different subnets in each direction. It is at this point that the firewall administrator may be concerned about the security risks that are associated with punching so many holes in the firewall for UC traffic to flow correctly. To further compound the challenges with ACLs, several different ACLs would need to be entered to permit ports required for client/server traffic.
As when using VRFs, care should be taken when implementing ACLs; otherwise, UC traffic may be less than optimal or lack functionality. For this reason, you must take care in understanding the traffic flows for UC and to position firewalls in a manner so that the quality of the real-time traffic is not impacted by additional latency, delay, or jitter imposed by firewalls. Large amounts of real-time traffic can also cause an undue amount of stress on a firewall. For example, if real-time traffic is encrypted, the firewall cannot perform inspection on the traffic, so the firewall is providing limited functionality.
If organizations are required to place firewalls between UC signaling or real-time traffic for security purposes, the general rule is to monitor the CPU usage of the firewalls and to make sure that it does not exceed more than 60 percent for normal usage. If the CPU consistently runs over 60 percent, it increases the risk of impacting IP phone registration, call setup, and quality of a voice conversation. If firewalls are required to protect VoIP gateways, they can be placed either in front of the gateway or behind the gateway. If you are able to place the firewall in front of the VoIP gateway, the firewall provides filtering of unwanted connections and streams and protects the gateway from denial-of-service attacks. In Chapter 11, we discuss voice-specific firewalls, also known as Session Border Controllers, and the additional protection that they can provide at the edge of the network.