Portable, comprehensive, convenient resources for Cisco Networking Academy students
What are Companion Guides?
Companion Guides are portable desk references of the Cisco Networking Academy course material that students can use anytime, anywhere. Companion Guides are designed to reinforce online course material, helping students focus on important concepts and organize their study time for quizzes and exams.
Key features of Companion Guides include
The accompanying CD-ROM has interactive media activities, the content from non-core topics of interest, high-resolution PhotoZooms to view Cisco equipment up close, and instructional videos that cover the more complex concepts within a course.
Who should read Companion Guides?
Companion Guides are written specifically for students enrolled in a Cisco Networking Academy course and the instructors who teach them.
Who writes Companion Guides?
Companion Guides are written by leading networking authors and Cisco Networking Academy instructors for a fresh but informed perspective on teaching the Academy curriculum.